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How to Add Sources in Krayin?

Sources are used to communicate with the customer, you can add multiple sources according to your company’s requirements for example- Live Webchat, Whatsapp, Email etc. Here I will explain “How to add sources in Krayin?”.

So you will be know from which channel/sources you are getting more traffic, so you can plan according to that. Sources are also called communication channels.

How to Add sources in Krayin?

To Create Sources, open the Admin Panel and then follow the below step


Go to Setting>>Sources.



Click on Add Sources and enter the detail as shown in the below image.

Add sources-Krayin

Name:- Enter the name of source/channel for example Live Web Chat, Instagram, Facebook, etc.


Click on save as source to add the source/channel in KrayinCRM. You can edit and delete the source by clicking on the edit and delete icon.



You can use a filter by name and id to search the sources/channel.

Filter- Sources

That’s all about “How to Add Sources in Krayin?”.

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