Updated 22 August 2024
SMTP in Krayin (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a common language used to send email. It’s a universal set of rules that allow servers and email clients to communicate via the Internet.
So think of SMTP as the language your computer uses to tell a server where an email goes, what’s in the email, what’s attached, and more.
Step-1 Firstly, install an SMTP and get the credentials of the SMTP that you are using. Below are the example of Mailhog credentials.
URL of Mail Hog -> http://localhost:8025/#
Step-2 So, now enter these details inside the .env file which is present inside the root directory of krayin as shown in the below image.
Step-3 So, after adding the details it’s time to check the results hence we have applied a scenario like whenever the lead gets updated automatically an Email goes to the Admin.
Lead Updated
Email Successfully Sent
Thanks for reading this blog. I hope you’ll get an idea of how to configure SMTP in Krayin. Please share your reviews on this, which will support me to write more.
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If you have more details or questions, you can reply to the received confirmation email.
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