Updated 27 October 2021
When you try to install Krayin and run the command “composer create-project krayin/laravel-crm” or after installing the Krayin you will get this issue “Class ‘NumberFormatter’ not found”. The reason behind this error is PHP intl extension is not enable that’s why this error will occur. Here we will discuss “How to resolve PHP intl issue in Krayin?
Source: https://www.dotkernel.com/php-troubleshooting/where-is-the-intl-php-extension-problem-solved/
Internationalization(Intl) is a design process for a product(application) to make sure that the application accepts various languages without change to the source code of the application.
Maybe you installed an unbundled PHP version, then intl extension is not available there. But if you have the bundled PHP version, the extension might be there but not enabled.
Note:- For this solution, you have root access. If you don’t have root access ask your service provider to install/enable the PHP Intl extension.
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33869521/how-can-i-enable-php-extension-intl
Make Sure The Php_intl.So File Exists Within Your PHP Extensions Directory, Find The Extensions Directory By:
php -r "echo ini_get('extension_dir');"
If The File Exists:
If The File Doesn’t Exist:
Make Sure The Php_intl.Dll File Exists Within Your PHP Extensions Directory:
If The File Exists:
If The File Doesn’t Exist:
That’s all about “How to resolve PHP intl issue in Krayin CRM?”. Hope it will be helpful for you.
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