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What’s New in Krayin v1.2.1?

The Krayin CRM tool has gone through outstanding changes in new version. What’s new in Krayin v1.2.1? Let us explore the latest Krayin features, improvements, and everything else you need to know about the latest Krayin update.

Firstly I would like to thank all our Laravel Community, Developers, the beginners, and our respective customers for their support and love for Krayin.

Krayin CRM has gone through continuous improvements and UI changes to update the CRM workflow for smaller businesses. 

Now, lets’ move on to the Agenda of this article is “What’s new in Krayin v1.2.1”?

Here Are The wonderful And New Features That Are Inside Krayin V1.2.1

Sales Pipeline features

Now with the introduction of Pipeline in Krayin, Sales pipeline is a visual representation of where are the prospects in the sales lead. The stages of pipelines are varying to industry.

Sales pipeline is an important feature of Krayin CRM. For example: if any stage is not available in the pipeline, then you can to create the new stage with respect to particular lead so that you can manage or track multiple business in one CRM.

Quick create option

The quick create option is implemented in Krayin CRM on top right side by clicking on + sign. Now, You have the other option to create the lead, quote, email, person, organization, product, attribute, role, and users.

Brand-new setting page

We have come up with this feature which allows you to create the users, lead, attribute and tags using the setting options. Now we will discuss the new features of the setting :


User has the permission to manage the group and roles in Krayin CRM, from here you can create users and groups and assign them permissions as well.


In this section, you can create the new pipeline as per your requirement, add the source of lead and add type of lead as well in Krayin CRM.


By using automation, you can manage attributes, email templates and workflows related settings in the CRM.

Other Settings


Tags are the unique identifiers that can be added to the leads in Krayin CRM to differentiate the label of leads. You can create and manage the tags from here.

Calendar view added in Activities

Now you can see all the tasks and sales activities in a Calendar view, for that you need to go to Dashboard -> Activity then click on the Calendar icon to view all activities schedule.

Edit Activity

when you will click on a particular task or event from the activity calendar, then you can edit or update the details as you want and save that as an activity.

Admin profile picture feature

In this release of Krayin v1.2.1, an Admin can add or update profile pictures also.

To go into detail about all those fixes, you can refer changelog:


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